
How Much Did Jesus Talk About Money


QUESTION: How many verses about money are there in the Bible?

A. Less than 100

B. About 200-500

C. Less than 1,000

D. Over 2,000

To celebrate the launch of our newest book, God and Money: How We Discovered True Riches at Harvard Business School, we've got another weekly trivia series for you guys to test what you think the Bible actually says about faith and finances! See below for the answer to this week's trivia question!

ANSWER: The Bible contains roughly 500 verses on prayer and faith, but well over 2,000 verses on money, and approximately 40% of Jesus' parables deal with money–it's obvious that God has plenty to say about wealth and giving.


Here are just a few verses about money to give you an idea:

And if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noon day–Isa. 58:10

He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he that loveth abundance with increase: this is also vanity.–Ecc. 5:10

He judged the cause of the poor and needy; then it was well with him: was not this to know me? saith the Lord.–Jer. 22:16

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.–Matt. 6:21

If you do a study on these verses about money in the Bible, you'll find a "consistent set of lessons about wealth and giving, from Genesis to Revelation," says Gregory Baumer, author of God and Money. Baumer and co-author John Cortines met at Harvard Business School (HBS) in their men's Bible study and struck up a friendship as well as a keen interest in the biblical view of money. Neither of them were surprised when they had this in common as well: they were each earning six-figure salaries by the time they were in their mid-twenties and they had applied to HBS in hopes of multiplying that number and living comfortable lives with plenty of financial security.

John and Greg decided to enroll in a class at Harvard Divinity School as they were pursuing their MBAs; this class was called "God and Money" and it challenged their personal ideas and habits of spending, saving, and serving. The conclusion they drew is completely counter-culture to what the rest of the world (and many Christian circles) teaches. They concluded that the Bible asks us to give a majority of our money away, so they set up a plan to do just that. Meet John and Greg in this video:

Save 30% on Your Copy of God and Money Now!

Two young Harvard MBAs on the fast track to wealth and success tell their story of God's transforming power and how Scripture brought them to the startling conclusion that they should give the majority of their money away to those in need. Packed with compelling case studies, research, and practical strategies, God and Money offers an honest look at what the Bible says about generous giving. No matter what your salary may be, God and Money shows you how you can reap the rewards of radical generosity in your own life.

*100% of the author royalties goes toward Christian ministries focused on spreading the Gospel and providing for those in need*

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How Much Did Jesus Talk About Money


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