
Legit Ways To Make Money Online In South Africa

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Image Credit: Getty Images

Everyone wants to make a little more money on the side. And, because to the power of the internet, it's now easier than ever. You've come to the correct spot if you're wondering how to make r1000 per day online.

r1000 a day may not appear to be much. But if you can do it day after day after day, it builds up to a substantial sum of money in your pocket.
We're talking about an extra $1,500 per month (or $18,250 per year)!

I don't know about you, but I could use an extra $18k each year in a variety of ways. This post will teach you 28 of the greatest methods to make r1000 each day online.

Some demand a small amount of labor each day, while others are virtually entirely passive (after some upfront effort). In any case, you're sure to discover an idea on this list that can assist you improve your money account.

Read Also: Top 20 Investment Companies in South Africa

Let's get this party started.

Some of the ideas on this list will not require any new abilities to earn an extra r1000 a day. However, the most profitable (and frequently the most enjoyable) money-making strategies generally involve some type of learning curve.

The good news is that you can learn almost anything online for free. Skillshare's massive library of online courses is a great place to start. This link will offer you a free trial, during which you can take as many courses as you like.

Simply study anything you need to learn during your trial, cancel when you're done, and presto! —you're ready to make r1000 a day online (or more).

Finally, after honing your abilities, you may discover that most of these methods may also be done as travel jobs while traveling the world. If you want to be a digital nomad, create a Wise account (previously Transferwise)—it will save you a lot of money when sending and receiving money overseas.

How to make R1000 a day online in 2021

Whether you want to learn how to gain r1000 quick online or establish a long-term sustainable side hustle, there is something on this list for you.
Let's get this party started.

1. Start a High-traffic Niche Blog

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Image Credit: Getty Images

Blogging provides the possibility for numerous additional revenue streams. Any of these revenue streams has the potential to bring in an extra r1000 per day. We're later going to see how to accomplish this with affiliate marketing, so let's have a look at ad revenue.

The amount you make from advertisements is determined on the season, the ad market, and the topics covered on your site. The more money an advertiser can make from their advertising, the more money they can spend for them.

Advertising on a personal finance blog, for example, will pay far more than ads on a site full of inspiring quotations (e.g., pushing a costly financial product to a specific demographic).

However, for the purpose of argument, assume your site produces $20 EMPV (or profits per 1000 visits). To earn r1000 per day exclusively from advertisements, you'd need around 2,500 pageviews per day, or 75,000 pageviews per month.

This kind of traffic does not happen overnight, but it is absolutely attainable.

So how do you get started?

It's simple: when you initially start your side hustle, you don't have a lot of traffic or exposure. As a result, you should raise the price of your product early on in your blogging adventure.

One strategy is to start with a B2B consultancy funnel and sell to companies rather than individuals. Businesses have more money than people, so instead of concentrating on advertisements and affiliate schemes at first, concentrate on high-end consultancy.

This new blogging strategy for making money is built on three main success pillars:

  1. Choose a niche for your blog based on the audience's financial possibilities, professional leverage, and market need.
  2. You may increase your backlink acquisition and Domain Authority (DA) quicker by not writing as much and outsourcing some parts of your content and SEO operations.
  3. Finally, by implementing the right high-end blog monetization strategies at the right time in your blog's lifecycle, you can 200x your revenue while only closing 3-4 high-end clients rather than hundreds of affiliate sales.

These strategies can help you earn thousands of dollars faster and with less visitors.

Finally, the first step I suggest for establishing a blog is to acquire web hosting and create a WordPress site.

Here's how you can begin:

  1. Go to and click the Get Started button.
  2. Choose your hosting plan ($2.95/month is 63 percent discount when you use my link).
  3. Enter a new domain name or choose an existing domain.
  4. Fill up your account and billing details.
  5. Sitelock Security and Codeguard Basic may be disabled.
  6. You're finished when you click Submit.

Begin with Bluehost for $2.95/month (63 percent off).

2. Offer your services as a freelancer

One of the easiest methods to start making regular money online is through freelancing. You may make money as a freelance writer, graphic designer, web developer, or virtually any talent that businesses want but do not want to pay an employee for.

Freelance writing is the most prevalent. To be a successful freelance writer, you don't have to be Earnest Hemingway. If you know how to promote yourself, you can make r1000 per day — and much more — with only mediocre writing abilities (I speak from experience!).

The first step is to understand how to look for entry-level writing employment.

Finally, if you get this far and find you enjoy writing, you could say, "Screw r1000 a day—turn let's this into a full-time income!"
To replace your income as quickly as possible with freelance writing, you'll need to invest in some training.

3. Make money using social networking

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Image Credit: Getty Images

If you're a social media junkie, you may as well be paid for it! There are a few of approaches you may take. The first is to manage, interact with, and build social media accounts for various businesses. This position is also known as a social media manager.

Most business owners wear several hats, and the time-consuming social media is frequently the first thing they outsource. The second and more lucrative approach to generate money from social media is to learn how to use sponsored advertisements.

If you know how to use advertisements to bring in new clients, you may make a lot of money—far more than r1000 per day.

The question is:

How do you go about getting these kinds of jobs?

Unless you have "connections" in your network who can link you, you'll have to prove yourself. The simplest method to accomplish this is to establish your own thriving social media platforms.

This demonstrates to business owners that you know how to obtain outcomes.

Speaking of developing your own social profiles, this leads me to another, rather contentious, method of making r1000 per day (and potentially much more).

And that is learning how to sell foot photos on the internet. Yes, it appears strange. However, depending on who you sell to, this isn't always the case.

And, given that a single foot photo may bring anywhere from $5 to $100+, you might earn r1000 a day by taking a few photos and selling them. When you think about it, it's really simply a type of freelance modeling, isn't it?

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4. Earn money by Typing

If you have quick typing fingers, you may easily earn r1000 per day as a transcriptionist. It may appear simple, but chances are you won't be transcribing clear, uncomplicated audios—software can do it rather effectively automatically.

What software cannot do is transcribe poor quality audio, audio with many persons speaking at the same time, or audio with strong accents (among other things).

This is when you come into play.

Your compensation rate as a transcriptionist is typically determined by your typing speed. As a native English speaker, you may make $25 per hour with little practice—and perhaps more if you specialize in fields such as legal transcribing.

That implies that when you've honed your talents, it will only take you 2 hours each day to accomplish your r1000 goal.

5. Edit legal transcripts (also known as "internet scoping")

Have you ever heard of an online scopist? Neither did I until I began researching for this post. It turns out that it's a very flexible online job that may pay up to r1000 each day. You are essentially in charge of altering court reports.

A stenotype machine is used by court reporters to swiftly capture what is spoken in court using a type of coding. This is then translated into English, which is frequently riddled with spelling and grammatical errors. That's where an online scopist comes in to help.

Scopists must like language and pay close attention to detail, and may even have a Type-A OCD mentality. Court reports can determine someone's life or death, therefore they must be as precise as possible.

6. Complete surveys

Businesses spend large sums of money to research firms to conduct product research and get client feedback. This input assists them in making critical (and costly) business decisions.

SwagBucks and SurveyJunkie are two of the most popular firms that pay you to do surveys.

That being said, I kept this one for last since, while being incredibly quick and simple to start, you'd have to spend A LOT of time taking out surveys to make r1000/day.

You're looking at $2-5/hour depending on the demography, thus you'd have to conduct surveys all day to meet your objective.

You'd be better served investing this time learning a new, higher-paying skill, in my opinion.

That being said, if you just want something simple to do while you're standing in line at the grocery store or sitting on the couch after bean burrito night, go for it!

7. Earn money by playing video games

Yes, that's correct. This has your name all on it if you're a gamer. On sites such as Twitch and Facebook Gaming, you can stream yourself playing video games, get followers, and begin earning money once established.

There are numerous methods for earning r1000 each day by playing video games. Your overall revenue will be made up of the following items:

  • Revenue from advertisements ($3.50 per 1,000 views)
  • Subscribers ($4.99 – $24.99 per month)
  • Contributions (Bits, Cheers, and Patreon)
  • Sponsors
  • Affiliate marketing (which will be discussed shortly)
  • Selling your own creations (e.g., guides, merch, etc.)
  • Revenue from YouTube (upload your videos to Youtube after streaming)

With all of these multiple revenue sources, it's not difficult for a seasoned gamer to earn r1000 each day online.

You could, for example, hit r1000 with:

  • 210 "level 1" subscribers = $35 per day
  • 3,000 views per day (at $3.50 RPM) = $10 per day
  • Donations = $3 per day
  • Ads on YouTube = $2 per day

This does not even take into account affiliate earnings, sponsorships, or selling your own merchandise.

To put this in context, CNBC says that the average professional Twitch streamer can expect to earn $3,000 to $5,000 per month while playing 40 hours per week. That's a lot more than r1000 a day.

To reach to this level (and beyond), you'll need to have a compelling explanation WHY people should subscribe to you. It might be:

  • You have a lot of talent.
  • You have a talent for teaching and explaining procedures.
  • You're interesting to watch, humorous, or beautiful.

Say hello to your ideal job if you're a gamer with insane skills, personality, or excellent looks.

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8. Set up websites for small companies

You'd be surprised how many small companies don't have websites (or have outdated, unattractive sites that don't operate on mobile). If you charge $250 to build up a simple website (which only takes a few hours once you got the hang of it), you'd have to do six each month to make $1,500. (or 50 per day).

And it just gets better from there.

Each of your customers will need to purchase a domain, a hosting plan, maybe an email marketing provider, and possibly some additional paid plugins and software.

All of these may be done with your affiliate links. For example, depending on demand, Siteground (the hosting firm I use for Project Untethered) will pay you $50 – $100 for each user you sign up.

If you create six sites per month and sign each one up for Siteground, you will earn $75 per person, or an additional $450 per month.

That gets us to a total of $1950 per month (or $65 per day), and we haven't even discussed additional affiliate options. The best thing is that learning how to put up a simple website isn't all that difficult.

Using Skillshare, Udemy, or even YouTube, you may learn in less than a day.

And once you've mastered the fundamentals, you can gradually progress to acquiring more complex site-building abilities that can make you much more money.

9. Make money online by selling digital items.

You could be thinking right now, "Yeah, but I don't want to have to work every day." I'd like to learn how to generate r1000 day in PASSIVE income. "How do I go about doing that?"

Selling digital items might be the solution. Digital products (such as online courses and eBooks) necessitate a significant upfront investment. However, once completed, they allow for "passive" income…theoretically.

This implies you develop something that people want to buy. However, things are seldom totally inactive. You must advertise your product if you want the rest of the world to know it exists.

Other ongoing administrative chores will almost always be included as well. That being said, generating r1000 per day quietly is absolutely feasible if done right.

You don't have to worry about shipping, fulfillment, storage, or product costs, unlike when selling physical items.

Almost all of each sale goes directly into your pocket (apart from any marketing costs or software used). If you go large and develop a $500 flagship course, you just need three sales per month to average r1000 per day.

Perhaps a basic r1000 online course is more your speed. You'd need one sale every day. Perhaps you'd feel more at ease starting with a basic, $5 eBook. In such instance, your objective goal would be 10 purchasers each day.

Before you invest your blood, sweat, and tears into producing a digital product, be sure you have a market of hungry consumers. You don't want to spend hundreds of hours on a project only to hear crickets.

10. Work as a virtual assistant

A virtual assistant (VA) assists bloggers, internet company owners, and other time-crunched individuals with time-consuming digital chores.

This might include managing their email inbox, conducting research, managing social media, sending outreach messages, producing papers, managing other VAs, or anything else that your client requires.

You may make money as a virtual assistant if you know how to use email, generate documents, and other basic computer abilities.

However, the more specific talents you can provide, the higher your rates will be. Based on their experience and the value they provide, highly trained VAs might charge $20-$40 per hour.

VA employment come in a variety of forms and sizes. There are plenty of individuals searching for part-time VAs if you're looking for something flexible you can do in your spare time to earn your daily 50.

Alternatively, if you want to make this your full-time job, you may do so!

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11. Establish a drop-Servicing business

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Image Credit: Getty Images

Drop servicing (also known as digital arbitrage) might be viewed as a possible "next step" for freelancers. You essentially operate as a mediator, connecting consumers in need of a digital service with service providers.

Assume you start a website where you offer logo designs for $75 apiece. Instead than spending the effort to develop each logo from scratch, you outsource the task to less expensive freelancers and retain the profit.

So, in this case, if you hired someone on Fiverr to design the logo for $25, you'd make r1000. Do this once a day for a total of r1000 a day. This is an obviously oversimplified example, but you get the point.

12. Online English instruction

If you speak English fluently, this is one of the simplest methods to start making an extra r1000 each day. Even if you're not a native speaker, you might be able to get by.

There are several internet tools and platforms that make it quite simple. Some of the most well-known are:

  • Palfish
  • VIPKid
  • Cambly Open English Preply QKids

The list could go on and on.

The teaching requirements differ from one firm to the next. The highest-paying positions usually need a college degree and/or TEFL certification. Some, however, do not.

However, even though a TEFL certificate is not necessary, I recommend obtaining one. Just because you know how to SPEAK English doesn't imply you'll be able to TEACH it.

A TEFL course will help you prepare for teaching and make your profession more pleasurable. Furthermore, TEFL classes may be inexpensive! I would not recommend the extremely low-cost Group on classes (that is, unless you just want a certificate without actually learning anything).

However, this low-cost TEFL course does a good job of teaching you the fundamentals. If you decide to go all-in on teaching English, you may enroll in a more complete TEFL course (this is the one I took).

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13. Get paid to fix grammatical errors.

If you have a keen eye for language problems, working as a freelance proofreader might be a simple way to supplement your income. There is an essential distinction to be made between a proofreader and a copy editor here.

A copy editor reviews written text to ensure that it flows properly, is factually correct, and has a logical framework.

A proofreader merely verifies that there are no language problems, acting as a "human spell checker." Proofreading is obviously the less difficult of the two to get started in, but it pays surprisingly handsomely. According to ZipRecruiter, the typical freelance proofreader earns $25 per hour.

You earned r1000 for working two hours per day. However, proofreading is not for everyone.

14. Use Fiverr to sell services.

Fiverr is an online freelance marketplace. And, although "normal" freelancing tasks on Fiverr might make you money… You may also make money by performing unusual activities.

Here are a few examples of how actual individuals make real money. For a living, this guy creates amusing memes. If these people can generate money online, you should have no trouble locating a legitimate service that will pay you r1000 a day.

The key will be securing those first clients and ensuring they provide 5-star evaluations. (Perhaps you might get some of your friends to participate.)

15. Make money as an affiliate marketer

Have you ever had a gym, chiropractor, hair stylist, or other service provider offer you a reward for referring them to your friends? Affiliate marketing is essentially the internet equivalent of this.

You advertise a business by utilizing a unique link. You receive a commission when someone clicks on your link and purchases a product or service from that company.

Assume you sign up for my amazing free travel lifestyle newsletter (which you should!). I usually encourage readers to get travel insurance at the conclusion of my newsletters.

I had a positive personal experience with Safetying nomad insurance, therefore I joined their Ambassador program to get compensated for promoting it.

The best thing is that many digital nomads roam forever and arrange their coverage to renew automatically. Every time this occurs, I receive a recurring monthly commission.

Assume 50 of these long-term nomads sign up for basic coverage via my link. That would imply that I would earn an extra $200 each month (approximately) without having to perform any work.

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Go ahead and give it a try!

There are several methods to earn r1000 per day with affiliate marketing.

  • You might create a video comparing three different types of popular vacuum cleaners and
  • publish it to YouTube with affiliate links in the caption.
  • You might develop an online or in-person lesson on how to complete a task that includes affiliate links to the essential supplies and equipment.
  • You may assist folks in setting up their websites and then utilize your affiliate link to purchase their hosting package.

It goes without saying that the larger your network (or online audience), the simpler it is to earn a solid living through affiliate marketing.

16. Sell physical products online

Starting your own eCommerce business and selling items online appears to be the next craze.

  • It is possible to do so on Amazon.
  • Social media may be used to market.
  • You can utilize a specialized shopping platform, such as Shopify.
  • Alternatively, if you're tech-savvy enough, you may go all-in and build your own unique website.

To generate money this way, you must consider the costs of fulfillment, shipping, storage (unless dropshipping), promotion, and any other fees that may apply.

Your profit margin is calculated as follows: sales price – purchase price – other costs
With this in mind, you may earnr1000 a day simply…

  • Low sales volume, large profit margin (r1000 profit margin x 1 sale per day)
  • Medium volume, medium profit ($10 profit x 5 sales per day)
  • Low margin, high volume ($1 margin times 50 sales/day)

This may appear to be a large number of sales, but bear in mind that when you sell online, you have BILLIONS of prospective consumers. And many items must be repurchased on a regular basis.

That being said, use caution.

There are several dubious courses available that will lead you to believe that you may get wealthy quickly. If something appears to be too good to be true, it most likely is.

When I initially started online, I fell for this ruse. It still hurts.

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17. Start A Professional SEO Consultation

If you understand search engines and have technical knowledge of platforms such as Google Ads and Google Analytics, being an SEO consultant may be a profitable choice for you.

Many small business owners are unaware of the effect search engine optimization (SEO) may have on their bottom business.

Start your online consulting business by teaching business owners about the potential of SEO in transforming their websites and increasing conversion rates.

You might utilize your marketing talents to demonstrate to business owners the advantages of utilizing analytics data, smart keywords, and content structure to increase organic web traffic.

If you're new to SEO or want to brush up on your digital marketing knowledge, check out Moz's Beginner's Guide to SEO. Keep in mind that Google's algorithms are always changing, so you'll need to keep learning about SEO to remain relevant and effective in this area.

18. Become A Photographer Or Videographer

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Image Credit: Getty Images

The internet loves videos, whether they are of animals, comedy skits, or news snippets. Someone with a keen eye and knowledge of filmmaking may earn a lot of money producing content for businesses that need it, from social media postings to product films.

The drawback is the cost. First and foremost, you will generally need your own film equipment, which is not inexpensive. Ambitious projects also need the employment of a film crew, perhaps with professional actors, as well as extra costs such as studio space or props.

To get started, create a reel of your finest work. This serves as your portfolio, which you may present to potential customers to determine whether your style matches theirs. You may wish to perform some pro gratis work for business references, much like content writers.

19. Start A Podcast

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Image Credit: Getty Images

Podcasting is on a meteoric ascent. In 2006, just 22% of people in the United States listened to podcasts. That figure has already risen to more than 75%. You may also earn a lot of money.

So, how can you get your company off to a good start? The first step is to design your podcast episodes and to get the necessary software and equipment.

The next step is to sign up for podcast hosting. A podcast host is a service that stores and distributes your audio files to major podcast networks such as iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn, Spotify, and others.

20. Launch An Online Course

Would you be willing to teach people a new skill? Online learning is a multibillion-dollar industry that is growing year after year, with some teachers earning millions of dollars from their courses.

Online courses, as opposed to membership websites, are more organized and concentrate on teaching someone a certain skill or subject.

Course expectations have risen over the years, so be prepared to devote a significant amount of time to creating content for your course.

Successful courses on online course sites like Udemy and Treehouse often contain hundreds of articles, hours of video, downloadable materials, and more. Udemy, an online education platform, offers over 100,000 courses in its catalog and millions of clients.

It is a massive marketplace that you can tap into, but keep in mind that Udemy charges a 50% fee for enabling you to offer courses. This requires you to price your course appropriately, which may be challenging in such a competitive industry.

If you already have a blog or a big social media following, you may want to explore hosting an online course yourself so that you can retain 100% of the revenue you make.

21. Develop An App

make your life easy with online mobile banking service picture
Image Credit: Getty Images

If you're not a developer, you're probably feeling a little stuck when it comes to this money-making concept. Fortunately, there is a method to have an app created that does not need any programming knowledge.

Marketers are increasingly turning to freelancing marketplaces to locate low-cost developers to build applications for them.

When it comes to monetizing your software, adding it to Google Play and the App Store is your best option. And, contrary to popular belief, having a free app may help you earn more money than having a premium app.

You may earn money by adding advertising or premium features to a free app. Because the free software will attract a larger number of users, it will be simpler to upsell them.

22. Write And Publish A Kindle EBook

piles of books stacked on a carpet picture
Image Credit: Getty Images

If there is one thing that students excel in, it is research and writing. Anyone may use the Kindle shop to publish an eBook and earn money on Amazon. And, since the Kindle app is now accessible on virtually any device (laptops, iPads, cellphones, and, yes, Kindles), your worldwide market potential is enormous!

You get 70% of the sale if you price your book between £1.49 and £6.99. Given that Amazon is the ultimate selling machine (and keep in mind that people are eager to spend), it is a great bargain.

The secret to eBook success is to provide value and write nonfiction. Simply combining material you've studied and collected on a common issue (e.g.'secrets' to getting a job) and presenting it in an easy-to-digest manner (an eBook) justifies someone paying a few dollars on it.

23. Start A YouTube Channel

You can earn money on YouTube if others can. Ryan, a 7-year-old who reviews goods on his YouTube channel, was the highest-paid YouTuber in 2018, earning $22 million.

To develop a large, devoted following, your YouTube channel should concentrate on a particular specialty. You may, for example, offer beauty lessons, broadcast video games, review goods, teach skills, produce spoof films, or anything else you believe would appeal to an audience.

The key to earning money on YouTube is to produce material that people desire, whether it's educational or entertaining. You may use a humorous title to encourage viewers to watch, or you can utilize keywords suited for YouTube search.

Once you've achieved 1,000 subscribers, you may start monetizing your channel with YouTube advertising.

Discover 10 Ways On How To Make Money On YouTube In South Africa

24. Create An Affiliate Website

The concepts of developing a successful blog may be used to the development of a lucrative affiliate website. This involves producing interesting content, promoting your website, and following search engine ranking standards.

In contrast to blogs, an affiliate website focuses on a single product. This is why the majority of affiliate websites include product reviews.

People who are looking for a product review are more inclined to buy it after reading an informative review, thus the chances of earning a referral commission are significantly enhanced.

While personal knowledge of a product is beneficial, you may create excellent product evaluations by either paying people to write for you or summarizing what others have written.

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Image Credit: Getty Images

Larger corporations may engage an agency or a full-time employee to manage their social media accounts, while small companies must often conduct their own social media marketing.

With so many obligations, business owners are often too busy, overwhelmed, or misinformed about the value of a social media presence to devote time to creating and executing an effective social media strategy.

As a social media consultant, you may assist small companies in determining the most effective strategies, posting schedules, and content for their target audience. As their number of followers increases, so will your business's.

While Facebook and Twitter remain the most popular business networks, companies often struggle with more visual platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and Snapchat.

All of these platforms have large consumer audiences, but many companies are unaware of their size, effectiveness, and how to make them work for their brand.

If you have a history in social media marketing and a love for photography, concentrating your consulting business on a single platform, such as Instagram, may be a fantastic way to earn money while assisting other companies in improving their content and achieving their business objectives.

26. Online Resume Writing Services

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Image Credit: Getty Images

Resume writing is something that nearly everyone must do, but few like or feel secure in doing so. Because they are essentially creating sales letters for their customers, resume writers must have both writing and business abilities.

This is a fantastic business opportunity for anybody who can write professionally and effectively.

Startup expenses are very cheap, since you can get started with only a computer and a website. Because the need for excellent resumes is unlikely to decrease, this may be a highly profitable and successful business.

A well-known CV writer may charge $1,000 each resume, so only 100 customers per year can bring you to $100,000.

27. Remote Tech Support

Many small companies cannot afford to hire a full-time IT staff, so when their systems go down, they typically contact a computer-savvy friend or family member.

If you are technically knowledgeable and have prior expertise working on computers and networks, you may remove the need for them to call in a favor by providing quick remote technical help.

Although some employers prefer that you have a technical degree, many will value your experience and expertise instead.

You may start to develop your remote tech support business by inquiring about the requirements of friends, family, and local business owners. Freelance tech support jobs may also be found on job sites such as Upwork.

28. Sublet A Spare Room on Airbnb

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Image Credit: Getty Images

Today, the lodging industry is one of the most lucrative. The bed and breakfast industry alone is estimated to be worth $3.4 billion. Hosting visitors may be a part-time career that generates a passive income stream. It just has to be serviced on a regular basis, allowing you the flexibility to work your own hours.

If this is how you wish to supplement your income, try advertising your room on one of the following platforms:

  • Airbnb is the world's biggest internet renting marketplace.
  • Homestay is a common option for young people.
  • FlipKey – Because it is a subsidiary of Tripadvisor, it has a huge readership.
  • Vrbo is best suited for listings that can accommodate families and groups of more than two travelers.
  • Rent Like A Champion is ideal for listings near college and sporting venues.

The cost of a room is heavily influenced by its location, facilities, amenities, room type, and season. In addition, most platforms charge service fees and demand hosts to pay lodging taxes. As a result, before monetizing your place, study pricing and rental regulations.

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[Bonus] How to Make R1000 Offline FAST

Everything we've discussed thus far may be completed online from the comfort of your own home (or anywhere in the world, really).

Having saying that, the most of them require some time to get started. If you want to learn how to make r1000 quickly—as in, TODAY—here are a few simple offline ideas to get you there.

Assist your neighbors.

Go door to door and ask your neighbors (or contact your friends and relatives) if they have any housework that needs to be done. You may make $50 in as little as a few hours if you trim a handful of lawns, power wash a driveway, walk a few pets, or even take someone's rubbish to the landfill.

Sell your belongings.

If you have items hanging around your house that you no longer use, why not turn them into quick cash? Sell your old furniture, mobile phone, and other devices on Craigslist, swap in your clothing at a thrift store, or go the whole hog and hold a full-fledged garage sale.

Donate your bodily fluids.

Go ahead and give your plasma for a quick $20-30. This can be done a couple of times each week. All you have to do is sit for an hour and play on your phone while giving. Even better, you might make money on your phone while giving! And if you really need money (and it doesn't bother you), you may give other, more "private" fluids for a lot more.

Make a living as a reseller.

Have you ever found something great on discount at Walmart? A good deal on Craigslist? If you see anything that is underpriced, buy it and resale it for a profit (either online or in-person). Some individuals earn a full-time living this way, and it's become a science.

Learn how to churn credit cards. Open a rewards credit card with a sizable sign-up bonus, satisfy the minimum spending criteria, and watch as a deluge of rewards points (typically redeemable for cash) lands in your inbox. This is especially beneficial if you're ready to make a large buy. Whatever you do, be sure you always pay off your credit card amount in full each month.

The trick to earning R1000 each day online

All of the best strategies to make r1000 per day online involve time.

It's time to brush up on your abilities.
It's time to start looking for clients.
And now it's time to grow.
This is what most people dislike.

We need results right away.

While quick results are unrealistic, there is a technique to accelerate the process:

Make an investment in yourself.

Don't be scared to put money into yourself. Yes, there are several free resources available online. However, determining who you can trust (and who is full of poo), how to piece together morsels of information, and if that advice is even still relevant may be daunting.

Legit Ways To Make Money Online In South Africa


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